The Quartz Hill Committee has been investigating a possible new radio site at Pukerua Bay, just north of Wellington. There are a number of potential challenges with this site, which may, in the end, mean that we do not proceed with a lease. The site appears to be a reasonably quiet RF site, although not quite as good as at Quartz Hill. The site is elevated and provides a low angle of radiation to the horizon. Access is via a short four wheel drive road. Walk on access is also possible. Options for antenna design are more limiting than at Quartz Hill and we want to be sure that the site could sustain HF Contest activity using multiple operators on different bands. The site has no pre-existing accommodation, so funds will have to be expended on buildings and associated consent processes, so it is important that we proceed cautiously.

We will keep you informed of progress as site feasibility is examined over the NZ winter.

Posted by Mike Woods on June 24, 2011