The Quartz Hill Facility has a 10 room building located at the end of a tarsealed farm road. The building has kitchen, bathroom and shower facilities, storage and workshop areas, rooms for bunking down in, two operating rooms and a cable switching room. While the location is one that is very exposed to the elements, the accommodation is satisfactory even in the worst of winter weather. A stock of fresh townwater is kept on site, and basic food preparation and cooking equipment is available to allow for temporary accommodation.

The Quartz Hill User Group has a regular maintenance programme. Members are expected to assist in cleaning and lawn mowing on a rostered basis, and volunteers assist with more major tasks, such as installation and maintenance of antennas at Working Bees scheduled about once a month. The responsibility for the fabric of the building and the access road rests with the owner of the building (Meridian Energy).

The Quartz Hill User Group owns a complete operating station including an FT1000MP, a linear amplifier, and a tuner. Switching between a number of antennas is possible during operation. Additional equipment is available from members for multi-operator mult-band contests.

Posted by ZL1AXG on January 03, 2002
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